OCCN54 BMS BMW E9* 335i (2006-2011) Маслоуловитель

OCCN54 BMS BMW E9* 335i (2006-2011) Маслоуловитель

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Маслоулавливатель BMS для BMW 335

RSD Oil Catch Can for BMW 335
Exclusively for the 2006-2010 BMW 335 335xi

Keep oil out of your BMW 335 air intake system

Within the BMW twin turbo N54 engine, crankcase pressure and inefficient combustion causes an accumulation of and oil sludge mixture that forms inside the intake tract, intercooler and boost tubes. Oil vapor is forced out of the cylinder head and is redirected through vacuum hoses into the intake channel. While this is normal operation procedure, it hinders the ability to make higher horsepower and increase engine longevity. The oil vapor then condenses onto the inside surfaces of the air intake system and is especially prevalent in the intercooler core lowering the efficiency of creating a cool intake air charge.

The RSD BMW 335 oil catch can will hold and trap oil byproduct while removing it from the intake air channel. The RSD unit will limit the ability of the oil byproduct to affect valves, forced induction and other crucial parts and sensors. By eliminating the engines ability to burn this relatively noncombustible oil, the RSD BMW oil catch can increase the overall horsepower and torque gains and prolongs engine life.

Oil Catch Can Features :

    Increases Air Intake Efficiency
    Promotes Engine Longevity
    Oversized Fluid Capacity
    Tig-Welded Lightweight Aluminum
    Hi-Temp Powder Coated Finish
    Free Flow Design
    Air Separation Baffle


    2006+ E90 Sedan 335i / 335xi
    2006+ E91 Touring 335i / 335xi
    2006+ E92 Coupe 335i / 335xi
    2007+ E93 Convertible 335i / 335xi

14 760 руб

Артикул: OCCN54
Базовая единица: шт

Товар отсутствует на складе

Базовая единица
Модель (кузов)
BMW 3 серии Купе/Кабриолет (E92/E93) (2006-)
Модель двигателя
BMW N54B30


Маслоулавливатель BMS для BMW 335

RSD Oil Catch Can for BMW 335
Exclusively for the 2006-2010 BMW 335 335xi

Keep oil out of your BMW 335 air intake system

Within the BMW twin turbo N54 engine, crankcase pressure and inefficient combustion causes an accumulation of and oil sludge mixture that forms inside the intake tract, intercooler and boost tubes. Oil vapor is forced out of the cylinder head and is redirected through vacuum hoses into the intake channel. While this is normal operation procedure, it hinders the ability to make higher horsepower and increase engine longevity. The oil vapor then condenses onto the inside surfaces of the air intake system and is especially prevalent in the intercooler core lowering the efficiency of creating a cool intake air charge.

The RSD BMW 335 oil catch can will hold and trap oil byproduct while removing it from the intake air channel. The RSD unit will limit the ability of the oil byproduct to affect valves, forced induction and other crucial parts and sensors. By eliminating the engines ability to burn this relatively noncombustible oil, the RSD BMW oil catch can increase the overall horsepower and torque gains and prolongs engine life.

Oil Catch Can Features :

    Increases Air Intake Efficiency
    Promotes Engine Longevity
    Oversized Fluid Capacity
    Tig-Welded Lightweight Aluminum
    Hi-Temp Powder Coated Finish
    Free Flow Design
    Air Separation Baffle


    2006+ E90 Sedan 335i / 335xi
    2006+ E91 Touring 335i / 335xi
    2006+ E92 Coupe 335i / 335xi
    2007+ E93 Convertible 335i / 335xi

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