120-11481 WILWOOD суппорт тормозной Dynapro Dust-Boot, 4 поршня, под диск 254-345x20.6 мм

120-11481 WILWOOD суппорт тормозной Dynapro Dust-Boot, 4 поршня, под диск 254-345x20.6 мм

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120-11481 WILWOOD суппорт тормозной   Dynapro Dust-Boot, 4 поршня, под диск  254-345x20.6мм

The Dynapro Dust-Boot (DP-DB) model of the Dynapro lug mount caliper was developed for applications that require or prefer a dust-booted piston. Dust-booted aluminum pistons provide added protection against road or track born dirt and debris on low to intermediate temperature range applications that may also operate in harsh environments. The pistons are clear anodized to eliminate corrosion while providing added lubricity for drag-free operation within the bores. The dust boots work in conjunction with high-temperature square faced internal seals in the caliper bores to provide optimum performance, ultimate reliability, and quick turn around at pad service intervals.

The strength of the DynaPro is a combination of process and design. The DynaPro is stress-flow forged from premium grade billet. Stress-flow forging realigns the grain structure of the metal within the contour of the body design. This process produces a part with superior strength over parts simply machined from straight grained blocks of billet. The FEA generated body design incorporates a highly fortified radial transition that eliminates steps and shoulders between the piston housings and the bridges. Incorporating a radius in this critical area substantially increases resistance to deflection and caliper body separation under load. Structural deflection and volume displacement testing have proven the efficiency of this innovative design. Reductions in overall deflection, and the subsequent decreases in fluid volume displacement, translate to increased clamping efficiency with less pedal travel. The bottom line is a firm, responsive pedal with outstanding stopping power.  

The DynaPro is loaded with other enhancements for performance and durability. The calipers feature Quick-E-Clip pad retainers that support a 7812 type brake pad from the top. Not only does it allow for fast pad service without caliper removal, the bottom pad supports have been removed to create a slimmer profile that can be more easily fitted into tight clearance applications. An optional bridge bolt kit, P/N 230-10188 is also available to provide additional body strength and fortified pad retention in the center of the caliper bridge for extreme high pressure, high load applications.  

Heavy wall Aluminum pistons are used to resist corrosion. The heavy wall sectional thickness also provides additional strength against backside deflection to provide a firm pedal feel and efficient clamping, even at the high pressures generated by power boost systems.  

12 390 руб

Артикул: 120-11481
Производитель: WILWOOD
Базовая единица: шт

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120-11481 WILWOOD суппорт тормозной   Dynapro Dust-Boot, 4 поршня, под диск  254-345x20.6мм

The Dynapro Dust-Boot (DP-DB) model of the Dynapro lug mount caliper was developed for applications that require or prefer a dust-booted piston. Dust-booted aluminum pistons provide added protection against road or track born dirt and debris on low to intermediate temperature range applications that may also operate in harsh environments. The pistons are clear anodized to eliminate corrosion while providing added lubricity for drag-free operation within the bores. The dust boots work in conjunction with high-temperature square faced internal seals in the caliper bores to provide optimum performance, ultimate reliability, and quick turn around at pad service intervals.

The strength of the DynaPro is a combination of process and design. The DynaPro is stress-flow forged from premium grade billet. Stress-flow forging realigns the grain structure of the metal within the contour of the body design. This process produces a part with superior strength over parts simply machined from straight grained blocks of billet. The FEA generated body design incorporates a highly fortified radial transition that eliminates steps and shoulders between the piston housings and the bridges. Incorporating a radius in this critical area substantially increases resistance to deflection and caliper body separation under load. Structural deflection and volume displacement testing have proven the efficiency of this innovative design. Reductions in overall deflection, and the subsequent decreases in fluid volume displacement, translate to increased clamping efficiency with less pedal travel. The bottom line is a firm, responsive pedal with outstanding stopping power.  

The DynaPro is loaded with other enhancements for performance and durability. The calipers feature Quick-E-Clip pad retainers that support a 7812 type brake pad from the top. Not only does it allow for fast pad service without caliper removal, the bottom pad supports have been removed to create a slimmer profile that can be more easily fitted into tight clearance applications. An optional bridge bolt kit, P/N 230-10188 is also available to provide additional body strength and fortified pad retention in the center of the caliper bridge for extreme high pressure, high load applications.  

Heavy wall Aluminum pistons are used to resist corrosion. The heavy wall sectional thickness also provides additional strength against backside deflection to provide a firm pedal feel and efficient clamping, even at the high pressures generated by power boost systems.  

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